Warriewood Falls, After Work Park and Huck

The water is filthy. The lip is bony, the entry half way through a little contrived. The drop is decent, a nice big undercut pour-over that lands in a deep sandy bottomed pool with a bit of a hole, and that’s good because its almost impossible to get enough speed up for a boof. One … More Warriewood Falls, After Work Park and Huck

Whats in a name?

A good name adds something to a climb. It isn’t just a way we can tell two climbs apart, or figure out what’s what at the crag. I mean there’s something far more engaging about Professor Wigginsworth’s Chunder BucketĀ  compared to some 16 (5.8) at Barrenjoey, which would you rather climb? Here is my (totally … More Whats in a name?