Mt Randwick and Coogee Bay: A Cyclist’s Guide

The suburb of Randwick in Sydney sits atop the crest of a high hill, which is prominent enough to have its own trig point (elevation 91m, next to the water reservoir on Howard Street). I’ve begun to affectionately call this hill Mt Randwick, or more often, Mt “Fucking” Randwick. The eastern side of Mt Randwick … More Mt Randwick and Coogee Bay: A Cyclist’s Guide

Jumping & Pumping

You can take riding bikes to a lot of extremes. The saddest of which is pedalling a stationary indoor trainer which is linked to your Strava for hundreds of virtual kilometers (What happened to you Pez, you used to be cool!). At the other end of the spectrum, screwing around in a car park trying … More Jumping & Pumping