‘Falling Leaf’ – Learning to snowboard

This article was written before the start of winter 2013. It details my start in snowboarding, and will eventually be followed by more posts, describing my progression. The trip described hereafter took place between 2007 and 2012. Through some universal coincidence, Australian Winter Uni Games was somehow the same week as Sam’s and my now fairly annual pilgrimage … More ‘Falling Leaf’ – Learning to snowboard

Modern Masculinity

The line may have gone free without any bolts. I tried the insecure start moves again. If I blew the delicate mantle I’d slam into the ledge below, grate over the slab and factor two straight on to the belay. My belayer grumbled quietly as my legs shook. Out came the drill and holding it … More Modern Masculinity

Kayaking The Franklin Part 4: The Return

The Gordon River The Gordon River is also extremely beautiful, and different in character again from the lower Franklin. Large and gentle, it moves slowly between hills overflowing in astonishing green forest. Despite being the official “end” of the trip, St John’s Falls is still a very, very long way from the nearest flushing toilet, … More Kayaking The Franklin Part 4: The Return

For Whom The Bell Tolls: traversing Bell Creek complete in a day

Aaaaah Bell Creek, the old nemesis, the canyon trip that just never seemed to happen. Just mentioning the name seemed to conjure bad weather forecasts and obstacles. I remember at least two planned trips which were cancelled before they left Sydney, and a third attempt with Steve Hare that actually departed, but ended up with … More For Whom The Bell Tolls: traversing Bell Creek complete in a day