The Dry Canyon by Bike

The Dry Canyon (or Wolgan View Canyon, or Noble’s Canyon, e.t.c.) is one of those little trips that never gets done, because it’s too easy. Not long enough to fill a day, but just a bit too inconvenient to squeeze in on the way home from something else.

So I figured I should do it by bike, sufferfest style. That’ll fill your morning! Save the kms on the Corolla and put them on the Norco where they belong.

I headed up friday night, and bivvied under the awning of the old station at the Zig Zag Railway. This is an *excellent* spot to crash if you’re heading out to Newnes Plateau the next day.


I planned an early start, to avoid rain that was forecast in the afternoon. To make this possible, the stove was strategically located so I could make coffee without getting out of my sleeping bag in the morning. This accomplished, I headed off into the mist.

I made OK time, and the road was good going until I reached the state forest, where it seemed especially muddy and potholed. I pushed to the national park.


Once in the park the going was really pleasant, and I ripped down the hill to start of the bushwalking part of the day.

There is an excellent campsite at the start of the walk to the canyon. I even suspect it might have been an old surveying or working camp for the Newnes Railway. A bit further down the track, there’s a huge boulder that looks a bit like a sea creature rising from the deep. Some cheeky walker has added rocks for teeth.


The walk into the canyon is quite nice. There are some especially large and mossy pagodas.


Then – the canyon itself. A couple of interesting passageways and a little downclimb, and we’re there. It’s a classic little sandstone canyon, narrow and aesthetic, but short.


The area kind of felt similar to Donkey Mountain – which is of course just across the valley. I bet there’s a few interesting nooks and crannies in the little tributaries on the way to the canyon.


Coming out the mouth of the canyon, I followed a pad around to the right, which led to a scramble up a big old boulder and a great lunch spot.


Then it was back out – taking extra care to appreciate it all the second time around – and back on the bike.

I screamed up the climb back towards the Rocky Creek Turnoff feeling great. Unfortunately the road corrugations and harsh suspension setup I’d inflicted on myself started to take their toll. I hit the wall at the 50km mark, just before Bungleboori Picnic area, and it was a bit of a battle to make it back to the car! But I did, with just a wee bit of nausea.

After attempting to dry everything out, I headed back to Mt Vic to hear everyone else’s excuses as to why they didn’t go canyoning. I feel this is a start for riding and canyoning on the Plateau- I definitely have a few more ideas for sufferfest trips out this way.

I even rode far enough that I qualified for a!

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